Our Company Mission
To design, process, and trade in cow horn products while keeping in focus mechanisms that ensure efficiency, profitability, exclusivity amidst continuous innovations and growth.
Our Vision
To expand in both production and markets world wide.
Our Company Objectives
To re-invent, design, introduce and entrench the functional use of natural accessories in the garment and fashion industries, in the domestic and export markets.
To support the rural youth and the disadvantaged men and women by training them how to make cow products in order to generate income to support their families.
To acquire modern technologies that will enable the production of durable, beautiful and highly functional craft and dress accessory products, in commercially sustainable and profitable proportions
To position Uganda on the world market, as a reliable supplier of high quality cow horn products, a hegemony of the country’s legendary long-horn cows.
To support us to give back to the community through training the uneducated and offering the educated with internship program
To contribute to a cleaner environment with specific attention to areas around slaughter houses and abattoirs in both the rural and urban areas, by collecting and engineering creative uses of all cow horn and bone waste materials.